Community Main in Color Cream - 889333225577
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Community Main in Color Cream

We are so smitten with this collection here at the shop! We love that the main fabric features a diversity of community members- kids playing and a variety of folks walking their dogs and enjoying a beautiful day in the park.  The colors work well together and the prints are so cheerful!

The kit includes all the fabrics for the quilt top and binding.  The finished quilt measures 60" x 60". The pattern comes with the kit.  Backing is not included but we have a variety of prints from the collection available.  Our favorite is the pretty and colorful Blue Floral Fabric.

At Boston Quiltworks, we believe that strong communities are vital, and we pledge to donate 50% of all profits from this quilt kit to the YMCA of Greater Boston as a token of our commitment to a healthy and vibrant city.

The designer of the fabric line and the pattern, Rachel Erickson of Citrus & Mint Designs, describes the inspiration for the collection: "Community was created as my reaction to the widespread hurt and divisiveness felt during the Covid-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement. Both events left me craving more unity, love, and diversity in the world, as well as an aching desire to just go outside, talk with neighbors, travel to new places, and be surrounded by people again. I designed Community to reflect a place I hope we can work to create in our future. In the meantime, I'll spread love with handmade quilts."